now... i thought tat we nid to pick one rat out from one big plastic bag which is oso fully filled wit rat!!! but actually is not la... the science assistant help to make the rat fainted 1st and put it in a container.... not tat much... around 10 rats..... (phewwwww...... luckily not like 1st time.... who noes actually is not like 1st time leh?? once u got tat experience, sure u think tat tis time will be exactly like last time right.... if really like 1st time..i think i cant stand wit it... bcaz tis time is not frog! is rat! got fur!!! yuck!)
one frog suppost to be two ppl disect it together... but, my fren, one team wit me, scared to disect it! so... no choice, i hav to disect it myself.... den she juz help me a bit by a bit, caz she really scared to disect an animal~ha... the thing i cant tahan is the S-M-E-L-L!!!!!!! the smell was so so terrible...i think until now i still can rmb the smell~the smell is so suphocating...bluacks.... after the experiment, we nid to wash our hands using dettols.... i wash my hands for around 10 mins... juz to get rid off the smell... and! i dunno go where to find a fresher in the lab and i myself spray almost half of it on my body!!!!!! i dunno y and i juz cant stand wit the smell!
lets see photos....

my rat.... got 9 small babies arrange nicely in the uterus... can count it??

the heartzz

disect the brain

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